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Storyblok Releases State of CMS 2024 Report

99% of those who switched to headless reported improvements

Storyblok has unveiled its latest State of CMS report. In the 2024 edition, they surveyed 1,700 CMS users worldwide to understand their feelings about the content management systems they use daily. Some of the notable findings from the report include:

  • 99% of respondents who switched to a headless CMS realized some form of benefit, whether increased ROI, productivity, scalability, or other improvements

  • 47% of respondents are using 2-3 CMSs to achieve content tasks

  • 43% felt that their CMS could not scale effectively

Elsewhere, Sitecore has had a bit of a shakeup with Steve Tzikakis stepping down, Dave O’Flanagan being promoted from Chief Product Officer to Interim CEO, and Darren Roos being made new Chair of the Board. Also, Netlify has unveiled a new AI-enabled deployment assistant.

New RFPs From DXP360

  • [New] [RFP Value: $76,000] Full Service Marketing Service for The Growth Company: The Growth Company (GC) is seeking a single service provider to deliver a comprehensive Full Service Marketing Service. The service will cover a wide range of specialist marketing and communications activities to support the primary client, GM Business Growth Hub, and collaborate with other agencies, suppliers, and third-party partners.

  • [New] [RFP Value: $51,000] Invest North Northamptonshire to Net Zero (NN2NZ) Initiative: North Northamptonshire Council requires strategic support for environmental and economic growth objectives, including the development of an NN2NZ Prospectus, a Decarbonisation for Business web-resource, and a business network, event, and ambassador programme.

  • [New] [RFP Value: $50,000] Comprehensive Kitchen Design and E-commerce Platform Development: This project seeks to develop an advanced web portal for the kitchen design, selection, and purchase process, catering to end consumers and professionals.

  • [New] [RFP Value: $30,000] Development and Enhancement of React-Based Booking Application: The project involves updating, enhancing, and maintaining a user-friendly, efficient, and secure booking application using React.

Stories that caught our eye

  1. New Hygraph Studio: The virtual product launch event will last from 20-27 March 2024.

  2. Are Headless Websites Impractical?: This TechRadar article argues that platforms trump the headless approach in the modern ecommerce landscape. 

  3. Composable 101: A new foundation course from Composable.com.

  4. Advantages of Composable Commerce: Vercel has compiled this list. 

  5. Solving the 'Many to Many' Problem: A look at how CMSs, ETL tools, search vendors and other tools solve this problem in composable architecture.

The word on the street…

  1. [LinkedIn]: Headless ≠ composable: Orium VP of Sales Thomas Mulried explains why going headless doesn’t necessarily mean you have a composable solution.

  2. [LinkedIn]: Analyst reports have lost their shine: Oshyn CEO Diego Rebosio highlights some of the gaps in the latest Gartner MQ.

  3. [Reddit]: New headless CMS: This developer couldn’t find a simple headless CMS for their needs so created one with an AI assistant.